November 5, 2014 | POSTED IN

The Next Chapter – Searching for a Sense of Place


As a scientist, I always followed a ten-year rule: the first five years on a new project were spent getting into the game; the second five were devoted to making a contribution. I approach my role at Occasio no differently. In our first five years we have “gotten into the game.” If point scores in the leading wine publications and medals in major competitions are an indication of quality, then Occasio is in the top 5% of the Valley’s wineries – we are being recognized.

Now, as I plan for the next five years, we must go beyond point scores and medals, as valuable as they are, and seek a lasting contribution to Livermore Valley. From the start, my wines have always been about “place,” where place is more than a terroir defined by soils and climate. Place includes both the history and the culture of our valley. It is this broader concept of “place” that differentiates my winemaking approach from those of most other wineries.

If our first five years have been about understanding and defining Livermore terroir, the next five will be devoted to incorporating the elements of history and culture into my wines. Something happened here in Livermore more than a century ago that catapulted our valley to the pinnacle of winemaking; recapturing this “something” is now my mission. Capturing the essence of place in my wines requires changing our approach to the fundamentals of our craft. Therefore, a restructuring of our methods, both in the way we deliver our message, as well as the way we make our wines, is underway. Some of these changes will be rolled out in the next few weeks, beginning with a redesign of our newsletter, website, and social media pages. Changes are also occurring behind the cellar door, with a keen focus on taking our Heritage wines to the next level. This is an extraordinary investment for a small winery like ours, but necessary to the development of our winemaking program.

I will look forward to updating you on our progress as the changes are announced.