Instant Pot Split Pea and Ham Soup
Looking for a simple introduction to cooking with the Instant Pot? Try out our family recipe for split pea and ham soup – a perfect meal for cold, January weather.
A Simple Slow-Cooker Mulled Wine
Use your slow cooker to make a delicious hot spiced wine for the holidays.
Holiday Eggnog
During the Holidays, few things can compete with a homemade eggnog using real eggs. Add a touch of rum and brandy and toast the season.
Spiced Simple Syrup for the Holidays
We share with you our recipe for a spiced simple syrup suited for the season.
Marion Cunningham’s Featherbed Eggs
Featherbed Eggs is our go-to breakfast for the holidays since it can be made while the oven is heating up for the other meals of the day.
Kathryn Barbeaux’s Potato Casserole
A dish that goes by many names, this is a perfect morning breakfast treat with eggs and bacon.
Pasteurized Raw Eggs
Nothing beats home-made eggnog, especially one made with raw eggs. But raw eggs are risky, so what to do? Here is a simple method to pasteurize your eggs without cooking them, so that you can have fresh eggnog without the worry.
Cheese Fondue
Cheese Fondue anchors a classic cold-weather menu for a cozy winter’s night.
The (Senators’) Navy Bean Soup
Here is a bipartisan recipe for a navy bean soup penned one day in 1971 in the dining room of the US Senate.
Apple and Butternut Squash Soup
Fresh apples and butternut squash are classic Fall ingredients in this rich and satisfying soup.